Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Letter from Caroline Kennedy

Dear Enrique and Francesca,

I met you, Enrique, when you were very small. I have never met you Francesca and I regret that. But I want to tell you how much your mother meant to me, even though many years have passed since we were friends in Manila.

I am not exaggerating (and others can confirm it) that Betsy, by her insistence that I come to the Philippines for her wedding to Henry, changed the course of my life. I was on my way to Laos and Vietnam when I met her. By accepting her invitation my life changed. Betsy ushered in probably the happiest years of my life, introduced me to my future husband Ben Cabrera and, was, thus, directly responsible for the fact that I have three wonderful children, Elisar, Mayumi and Jasmine.

The last time I saw Betsy was about five years ago on a brief Christmas visit to Manila a year or so before your father died. I was saddened to see such a once vital and active woman so incapacitated by her condition. I had remembered - and will always remember - Betsy as the bridge between artists, writers, photographers, dancers, singers, musicians, politicians and, even, itinerant tourists like me. She was the focal point as they all somehow ended up in the literary chaos that was Indios Bravos.

I have written a lot about those days with great affection - and still do from time to time as the memories return. I could send you some of my articles or chapters of my memoirs where Betsy and Henry are featured, if you were interested to read them. Although I am sure that anyone who was around during that period in the late Sixties will fill you in extensively on Betsy's role as a leading light of her generation.

I regret that she won't be around when I next visit Manila - perhaps next year when Ben opens his Museum in the Cordillera. I was looking forward to visiting her again and reminiscing on those days as we did on my last visit. I am happy though that she is relieved of her suffering, she was incredibly stoic and I admire enormously her for that.

Please know that your mother held a very very special place in my heart - and always will. I remember her with fondness, with laughter, with friendship and with something that runs even deeper - a sharing of a very unique time in our lives. She was - and will remain - a very irreplaceable person in my life. I will miss the thought of her not being there. But I send her love and gratitude - and best wishes for her onward journey.

Be strong in the knowledge that Betsy touched many peoples' lives and they will miss her.
Love to you both...and, if you ever want me to send you some of my writings of that period, please let me know, I will be more than happy to do so.

I hope to meet you some time. If you ever plan to come to Costa Rica do please let me know. You would be very welcome to stay with me.

Caroline Kennedy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is wonderful, Caroline. In case you haven't seen this, here's a matching memory trip:

I hope to see you at the Museum of the Cordilleras. Some things never change.
